Rye Class This Term
Rye Class Curriculum Letter Summer Term 2024
Dear Parents,
Please see below for an overview of what we will be learning in Rye Class this term.
Both Orange (Y6) and Green (Y5) group children will continue base their English learning around a key text. This term, Green group will be reading ‘Hidden Figures’ by Margot Lee Shetterly with Miss Jones. They will study the plot and character mapping, before using what they have learned to write a newspaper article on the moon landing and what the four women did behind the scenes, as well as a persuasive letter and a memoir.
SPaG sessions will focus on recapping and securing prior knowledge, looking at new vocabulary, adverbs and subordinating clauses to apply these to improving written work.
Orange group’s text will be ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ by Maz Evans. We will begin by exploring historical context of the book, by writing non-chronological reports about the Ancient Greeks. After we further explore the setting, characters and plot, we will plan, write and edit our own narrative based on a similar theme. We will also use the book as the basis for writing a variety of text types, including letters and explanation texts.
As we move into the second half term, all children will work on exploring and developing their understanding of playscripts and drama as we prepare for our end of term production. Children in Rye class will be taking home their scripts to learn lines in the final half term.
Spelling tests for all children will continue to be on a Friday, so children will need to ensure they have their yellow spelling book in school on this day.
Green group will begin this term by consolidating their understanding of shape including angles within shapes. They will also learn how to use coordinates for position and direction along with consolidating their knowledge on decimals further. They will also further develop their understanding of negative numbers and converting units. Throughout the term the children will be applying their understanding in these areas to reasoning and increasingly challenging problem-solving questions in all mathematical areas.
Year 6 children in Orange group will begin this term by focusing on Geometry, including calculating missing angles in a variety of 2 D shapes, revising properties of shapes and exploring 3D nets. We will then move on to statistics, where we will read and interpret data from pie charts, line graphs and dual bar charts, before learning to calculate the mean of a set of data. Finally, we will learn how to reflect and translate shapes accurately. There will also be time spent on revision ahead of SATs. After half term, the children in Y6 will spend time applying their mathematical understanding to a variety of real-life situations and take part in class projects.
Children have passwords to access Mathletics at home where we will at times set them activities for homework relating to our topics to help them to further develop and consolidate their skills and knowledge. The children also have TT Rockstars logins which is useful for helping them to improve their multiplication skills.
This term in science we shall be introduce the children to the key concepts of evolution and inheritance by building upon previous topics, including animal characteristics and fossils. The children will learn about inherited traits and apply their knowledge to various animals and plants, before being introduced to the work of Mary Anning and Charles Darwin. The children will learn about the fascinating history of the human race and discover links between extinct animals and those which are still living today. In the second part of the term the children will looking at the unit of forces. They will learn how to: explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object; identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces; and finally, they learn how to recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.
Our Cornerstones topic for this whole term will be ‘Groundbreaking Greeks.’ Through this topic, children will learn about different periods of Greek history, exploring the earliest civilisations, the devastation of the Dark Age and the breakthroughs and developments of the Archaic and Classical periods. They will understand how the geography of Greece affected the development of city states and explore Athens, learning about the structure of the government and society. They will get to know some of the most significant Athenians and learn about the leadership of Alexander the Great. They will compare the early civilisations of the Minoan and Mycenaean people.
This term our Art topic will be ‘Mixed Media’. This project teaches children about paper crafts (such as decoupage, quilling, origami and marbling) as well as collage techniques, including paper, fabric, mixed media and photo collage. They will use their learning to create a final piece of small-scale, mixed media collage.
Our Computing topic for this half term will be ‘Quizzes’ and will focus on the children developing their own quiz using a variety of Purple Mash programs. They will also learn about how computer networks and the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web through our topic ‘Networks’.
RE will be on a Monday afternoon and our topic for the whole term will aim to answer the question: ‘What would Jesus do?’ Children will reflect on whether we can live by the values of Jesus in the 21st Century, before moving on to our next unit ‘What difference does it make to believe in ahisma (harmlessness), grace and/or Ummah(community)?’
PSHE will be taught on Wednesday afternoons and we will be continuing with our topic of ‘Being an Active Citizen’’ before our topic changes to ‘Moving On,’ where children reflect on their achievements this year and look towards the future.
PE will continue to be on Mondays with Mr Cairns and Fridays with Miss Jones. Please make sure children have their kit in school to change in to on these days.
French – Our first topic this term will be ‘Qu’est que tu fais le weekend?’ and will focus on speaking about activities completed over the weekend. Children will also learn how to say times at 5 minutes intervals in French. After half term, out topic will be ‘Moi dans le monde,’ and children will learn about different countries and celebrations in the Francophone world.
Homework – Children will receive homework on a Friday and it should be brought back into school on Wednesday, unless it is a Topic homework, which children have 2 weeks to complete.
If you have anything you would like to discuss, with myself or Miss Jones, please feel free to contact us via the class email: ryeclass@langton.n-yorks.sch.uk
Kind Regards
Mrs R. Dale & Miss Jones
Dear Parents,
A big welcome back to everyone in Rye Class! I hope everyone enjoyed a nice rest after their hard work during the Autumn Term and had a happy Christmas and New Year!
Please see below for an overview of what we will be learning in Rye Class this term. You will notice a few slight changes, including one of our PE days.
Both Orange (Y6) and Green (Y5) group children will continue base their English learning around a key text. This term, Green group will be reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ by E.B White with Miss Jones. They will study the plot, characters and setting before using what they have learned to write a persuasive speech as the character of Wilbur and write advertisements for the sale of animals. They will also develop their understanding of dialogue when writing narrative pieces and use their understanding from our Geography lessons to write non-chronological reports.
SPaG sessions will focus on recapping and securing prior knowledge, parenthesis and concise, expanded noun phrases in order to apply these to improving written work.
Orange group’s text will be ‘The Secret Garden’ by Frances Hodgeson Burnett. We will begin by exploring the historical context of this book, written over 100 years ago, and after developing our understanding of biographies, research and write a short biography of the author. After we further explore the setting, characters and plot, we will plan, write and edit our own narrative based on a similar theme. As we move into next half term, we will explore the key features of and write; a balanced argument, non-chronological report and set of instructions.
In our SPaG lessons, we will again focus on recapping and securing prior knowledge, before developing our understanding of word classes and tenses.
Spelling tests for all children will continue to be on a Friday, so children will need to ensure they have their yellow spelling book in school on this day.
Green group will begin this term by consolidating their understanding of multiplication and division, learn how to calculate using long multiplication, using written methods to solve problems. They will also learn how to multiply fractions. Orange group will begin by exploring ratio and algebra, including calculating scaled measurements using ratio and writing equations to find a missing value in algebra. Both Green and Orange groups will then continue into next half term with a focus on fractions, decimals and percentages and exploring the relationship between these. They will also further develop their understanding of area and perimeter. Throughout the term we will be applying our understanding in these areas to reasoning and increasingly challenging problem-solving questions in all mathematical areas.
Children have passwords to access Mathletics at home where we will at times set them activities for homework relating to our topics to help them to further develop and consolidate their skills and knowledge. The children also have TT Rockstars logins which is useful for helping them to improve their multiplication skills.
Mrs Huntriss will teach Science on Thursday afternoons to all of Rye class throughout the year. This term the children will be learning about ‘Electricity’. This topic will challenge the children to build on the electricity knowledge and skills that they learnt in Year 4. They will use and develop their knowledge to learn: to associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit; how to compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches; and finally, to use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.
Our Cornerstones topic for this whole term will be ‘Sow, Grow and Farm.’ Through this topic, children will learn about allotments in the United Kingdom and how the government encouraged people to have them to support food rationing during the Second World War. They will have the opportunity to learn about farming in the United Kingdom and the techniques used in modern farming, including the challenges that farmers face. They will learn about the benefits of eating seasonally and about the pros and cons of importing food. They will also learn about world farming and how the different climate zones affect where different foods can be grown. We will also be incorporating links with local farming families to explore farming in our local community. In Art, we will explore still life forms, drawing and painting our own and focus on honing our line and shading techniques.
Our Computing topic for this half term will be ‘Word Processing’ and will focus on the children developing their skills using Microsoft Word. This will include, creating a document, adding and editing an image, using a table and inserting text boxes and formatting a page. Children will also develop their typing skills throughout this unit.
RE will be on a Monday afternoon and our topic for the whole term will aim to answer the question: ‘What matters most to Humanists and Christians?’
PSHE will be taught on Wednesday afternoons and we will be continuing with our topic of ‘Being Safe’ before moving on to ‘Its My Body’ and ‘My Healthy Lifestyle’ as we progress through the term.
PE will now be on Mondays with Mr Cairns and Fridays with Mr Walker. Please make sure children have their kit in school to change in to on these days.
French – Children in Rye Class will now learn French as a whole class with Madame Conroy and I on Friday afternoons. Our first topic will be ‘Quel temps fait-il?’ and will focus on speaking about the weather. After half term, out topic will be ‘Les Vetements,’ and children will learn to name clothes and discuss what they are wearing.
Homework – Children will receive homework on a Friday and it should be brought back into school on Wednesday, unless it is a Topic homework, which children have 2 weeks to complete.
Year 6 children will also have SATs books in Maths, Reading and Grammar. Please encourage your child to practise their skills using these books during any free time in order to help them prepare for their SATs tests in May. I am happy to go over any challenging questions during our SATs club, which will run on Tuesdays after school.
If you have anything you would like to discuss, with myself or Miss Jones, please feel free to contact us via the class email: ryeclass@langton.n-yorks.sch.uk
Kind Regards
Mrs R. Dale & Miss Jones