Rye Class News
Dodgeball Event
Dodgeball Tournament On the 29th of November we went to Malton Sports Centre and competed in the Dodgeball Tournament with 6 other schools, St Marys, Slingsby, Norton, Malton, Sheriff Hutton and Amotherby. We did 6 matches and in total we ...
Girls Football Tournament
Girls football tournament! On the 29th of November 2023 Rye class went to a tournament football/dodgeball at Malton Sports Centre. There were 3 teams, girl’s football, boy’s football and dodgeball team. The teams that we were playing against were Norton, ...
Rugby Report
Rugby Report On Wednesday the 18th October ,Rye class went to Malton and Norton RUFC to practice our Rugby skills. To start with we did tackling. We started off with one group barging on tackle bags and the other group ...
Celebration Assembly October Rye
Miss Jones and Mrs. Dale shared with us why they were so impressed with these girls. The school value of nurture was mentioned, being a good friend, trying, applying, having confidence and taking on the challenge of long division. A ...
Rye Class Sports Activities
Basketball Tournament On the 27th of September, we went to Malton sports centre and warmed up taking shoots at the hoop some (not all) people made it. The 2nd team Archers [orange] played was Malton Meerkats, it was fun we ...
Rye Class (year 5 & 6) A Child’s War
Rye class have been imagining what it was like to be evacuated and live with a family other than our own. Using different source materials, we’ll learn about evacuation and write letters to our families ‘back home’. They have used ...
Rye Class Celebration Assembly – September
These children were selected by Mrs. Dale and Miss Jones for their fantastic work, application and efforts since we started back to school this term. Here is a piece of the written work created that so caught Miss Jones and ...
Autumn Term Newsletter
Rye Class Curriculum Letter Autumn 2023 ...
Mexican Fruity Flavours
The lesson brief was to read a range of recipes for traditional and contemporary Mexican fruit drinks and choose one to make. Make a shopping list for the ingredients needed. Write their own instructions and then follow them to make ...
Play Leader Sports Afternoon
Play leader sports activities with Mr Matty Hood On the 19th May, Mr Matty Hood, came to Langton school from Malton sports centre. He put the year sixes into groups of 4 and 3, and the year sixes set activities ...
Autumn Term – Week One
As well as getting to know one another, learning class routines and systems, making and refreshing friendships, developing relationships, having fun and learning so much. We have also been doing lots of work on our key British Values on equity, equality and diversity. Here we are working collaboratively to create poems on that theme.