Langton Primary

Home Friends of Langton School

Friends of Langton School

FoLS – who are we and what do we do??

FoLS stands for Friends of Langton School and we are the PTA. Our goal is to enhance the lives and learning experiences of our children whilst they’re at school by organising fundraising events for the school community. With money that we raise, we liaise with teachers to see what extra resources would be helpful in school, we help subsidise school trips and swimming lessons, we buy sports and playground equipment as well as many other things, but we also want to provide social events for the children to look forward to and enjoy.

FoLS Update – September 2022

Well it’s great to be back! Thank you to everyone who came to the ‘Welcome to School’ tea and coffee afternoon last Friday, it was great to see some new faces.

We held our first FoLS meeting following this and it was great to get the ball rolling and put some dates in the calendar. More details will be sent out nearer the time, but for now:

  • Thursday 20th October – Halloween Disco (see the poster for timings and details)
  • Friday 4th November – non-uniform day collecting for a bottle tombola
  • Friday 4th November – 3.30pm – next FoLS meeting, topic Christmas Fair
  • Friday 9th December – Christmas Fair!

During our meeting, it was decided that FoLS would purchase 2 new ipads for use in school and also that we would contribute £300 towards RE resources.

We will continue our trend of subsiding school trips for all children and also swimming lessons for Years 3 and 4.

Absolutely everyone is welcome to come to meetings – we are a very friendly and open bunch of parents and it really is the more the merrier. We tend to have our meetings in the school hall and children are welcome – ours just tend to sit on the benches chit-chatting! We are always on the lookout for volunteers at events, so if you can’t make meetings but would like to be added to our WhatsApp group chat, then please message me, Vicky (07751967317) or email us at

If you haven’t already, you can find our Facebook page ‘Friends of Langton School’ to keep up to date with what we do and any events.

Already looking forward to the disco!

Vicky (mum of Thomas in Year 5)

Chair of FoLS

* Don’t forget to use Amazon Smile (, search Langton School Fund) if you’re buying anything from Amazon, as every little bit helps. Thank you! *