Derwent Class Long Term Planning 2023-2024

Autumn Term

AUTUMN 1 – Exploring Autumn  (Understanding the World)

In the Exploring Autumn project, your child will go on a woodland walk to learn about the seasonal changes that happen in autumn. They will learn about birds and animals that live in the woods and how they survive as the weather gets colder. They will take part in practical and creative activities that will support them to learn about autumn.

Supporting your child at home

  • Go on a walk around your local area and talk about what happens to trees and plants during autumn. Take some pictures to share at school.
  • Collect leaves, seeds, nuts and berries to add to an autumn collection.
  • Make some bird food to feed the birds as the weather gets colder.
  • Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.

AUTUMN 2 – Winter Wonderland ?  (Understanding the World)

In the Winter Wonderland project, your child will explore the seasonal changes that happen during winter. They will find out about the different weather associated with the winter season and explore changes that happens to water as it freezes. They will find out about what happens to plants and animals during cold weather and explore places in the world that are always cold and snowy, including the animals that live there.

Supporting your child at home

  • Go on a winter walk and talk about how the environment has changed since the summer months.
  • Put bird food out in the garden or on a window ledge and observe the birds that visit.
  • Leave water out in a shallow container overnight on a cold night and see if the water freezes.
  • If it snows, build a snowman, and take a photo of it to share with the rest of the class.
  • Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.

Spring Term

SPRING 1 – Starry Night (Understanding The World)

In the Starry Night project, your child will explore the differences between the world at night time compared with daytime, through a range of exciting and creative activities. They will find out about nocturnal animals and how they find food when it is dark. They will find out about people who work at night and the different jobs that people do when we are asleep. They will discuss bedtime routines and the importance of a good night’s sleep. They will explore the night sky and find out about the Moon and stars.

Supporting your child at home

  • Look at the night sky and see how many stars you can see each night.
  • See how the Moon changes shape each night.
  • Go on a short walk after dark or go into the garden. Take a torch to light the way. Discuss how things look different in the dark.

SPRING 1 – Signs Of Spring (Understanding The World)

In the Signs of Spring project, your child will go on a walk to look for signs of spring in the local area. They will learn about the changes that happen in spring, including the weather and living things. Springtime festivals will also be explored.

Supporting your child at home

  • Go on a spring walk and take photographs of the signs of spring.
  • Make a weather diary to observe how the weather changes.
  • Visit a pond and look for signs of new life, such as ducklings and frogspawn. Visit again over time to observe changes.
  • Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.

Summer Term

SUMMER  – Sunshine and Sunflowers

In the Sunshine and Sunflowers project your child will explore their local environment and see how it has changed throughout the year. They will grow flowers, fruit and vegetables in the garden area. They will learn how to care for plants and animals, identifying some different types. They will take part in outdoor learning activities and find out how to stay safe in the sun.

Supporting your child at home

  • Grow some quick growing plants together, such as salad leaves, radishes or cress.
  • Plan and go on a picnic.
  • Go on a local walk and talk about the changes that have happened to living things throughout the year.
  • Share and discuss the Did you know? resource.