Autumn Term AUTUMN – Dinosaur Planet (History) Watch out everyone – the dinosaurs are on the prowl. They’re rampaging across the dusty earth, ...
Summer Term Curriculum Letter – Foss
Curriculum Letter Summer Term 2023 Foss Class Dear Parents, We hope you have all had a fantastic Easter break and are ready for your child’s las...
The Fairy Sanctuary – a science and topic visit
A little view of our magical day at Northwood Trail Fairy Trail and sanctuary a great way to enhance and further our learning. A Recount Of The Key St...
Week One – Autumn Term
As well as getting to know one another, learning school routines and systems, making friends, developing relationships, having fun and learning so muc...
Science work – Spring Term
Investigating ‘Mopping Up’ as part of our materials work and Muck, Mess and Mixtures....
Foss – Muck, Mess and Mixtures
Topic Outline – Let’s get messy. Muck and mess are good. In fact, they’re marvellous. Dive in and get your hands and feet all sticky an...
Pirate Party in Isolation
We may not have celebraated and shared together the last week of term as we had planned. That did not stop Foss class from boating, kite making, picni...